This is a fantastic essay.

Thank you so very much, Beatrice.

As always your analysis is spot on, in regards to what the normalization of an ongoing pandemic means for us, the disabled, chronically ill, disadvantaged and/or imprisoned comrades, and how all of this ties in with the capitalist system (it is the capitalist system working as intended).

What i hoped you would mention a bit more is how mutual aid infrastructures and resource distribution is not something that we have to wait for, but instead something that we can do right now, in horizontal, bottom-up ways. We do not have to wait for the state, or maybe for a better state, or for its permission to start doing this. Looking back to the start of the pandemic many inspiring initiatives were started. But then, for a limited time, the state took over the reins. Only to abandon WAY TOO MANY of us, forcing us into self-isolation, into shivering in fear of a reinfection. What is also needed, besides analysis, is action, direct action and a leftist project that restarts those self-organized resistance networks

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There is no left I have any interest in aligning myself with. I have seen what they will sacrifice, who they will denigrate to feel superior. I will continue to look out for this mythical group you name.

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